"And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
Philippians 4:7
As I searched for the words to say in this Midweek Manna, I was led to share my reflections. Monday March 10, 2025, at 10:55pm will forever be imprinted in my life. God decided to transition my mother from labor to reward. Between phone conversations, text threads, in-person dialogue, etc. I have been trying to convey a feeling that can’t really be understood. One of the most interesting dynamics in life is the intersection of your feelings versus how people think you should feel. At moments individuals can attempt to persuade you that what you’re feeling is not conducive to where you are, but I must suggest that it is not true. Your feelings are exactly what they are, yours. Not to be negotiated or up for debate because who truly knows the heart of a person besides them and God.
In our passage the Apostle Paul writes to those at Philippi and informs that if you pray in such a manner that you will encounter the peace of God which transcends or surpasses all understanding. Which basically means that chaos can surround you, but you can still have peace. Even while waiting for the answer to your prayer God can provide, you can have peace that doesn’t make sense to others or even you but it’s sent from God. I rest in the knowledge that from peace God not only transcend but it also guards the heart and mind. What more vulnerable can exist then when storms or chaos arrive, but the peace of God will overtake you and protect all at the same time. My prayer for you is that peace would be your portion now and forever more.